Peoples of the Pacific—Confronting Militarization, Resource Theft, Globalization & America’s “Pacific Pivot”
45 SPEAKERS/ 20 NATIONS: JUNE 1 & 2 Berkeley, Martin Luther King Auditorium, 1781 Rose St. [Scroll down or click here for more info]
EON Docs Screened at Moana Nui 2013
We are proud to let you know that our ‘Pacific issue’ documentary film productions (two PBS sponsored) spanning our coverage of the Nuclear Free and Independent Pacific Movement in the ’80’s and ’90’s will be honored by being screened in Room 108 of the Moana Nui 2013 Teach-In this weekend in Berkeley.
As a preview:
You can check out the viewer below to come with us now to the days of Yesteryear when naive activists believed they could actually influence policy by intervening at the U.S. Congress and the U.N. with verbal and video testimonies.In this 1986 archival video Right Livelihood Foundation founder Jakob Johann von Uexküll, late Greenpiece activist Sebia Hawkins, Mary Beth Brangan and Jim Heddle present verbal and video testimony in favor of Palau’s seminal nuclear free national constitution before the late Rep. John Seiberling’s House Committee.
Listen Up Bay Area People!
Welcome to the Pacific Century. U
Just a reminder…we live on the Pacific ocean, you know, all that water out there. It’s a region that is re-emerging as a major geo-strategic focus point for corporate trade regimes, military deployments, ecological devastation and grassroots activism. Granted, it’s a complex, even bewildering, mix of factors, actors and flashpoints – the secretive Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement; Obama’s ‘Pacific Pivot;’ disputes over oil-rich ocean areas between the Japanese and Philippine island chains and the Asian mainland; drifting radioactive Fukushima debris; declining fish stocks, rising sea levels – to name just a few. Pacific issues impact us all.
The key issues confronting humanity are present in mesocosm in the Pacific Basin (circled as it is by the literal volcanic ‘Ring of Fire’ of potentially catastrophic seismic activity on all Pacific shores).
From Jeju Island to TPP boardrooms, from Vanuatu to North Korea, from the Straits of Malaca to the South China/Philippine Sea, human rights and ecological systems are under seige by the forces of profit-making without regard for national sovereignty, human rights or the life-support systems of the planet.
If the Pacific and its challenges – which powerfully affect our collective future – are unfamiliar to you, you need to attend a wonderful opportunity to become informed and empowered – the Moana Nui Teach-In on Pacific issues being presented June 1 and 2 by the International Forum on Globalization (IFG) in Berkeley, CA at the Martin Luther King Auditorium, 1781 Rose St..
International panels featuring 45 speakers from 20 nations will address the following issues in the two-day teach-in.
Pacific Resource Wars
Globalization – Impacts from ‘Free Trade’& Development Agreements: TPP, APEC, ASEAN, EU-ACP, Pacific Plan, et al.
Indigenous Rights, Local Sovereignty, and “Free, Prior & Informed Consent”
Militarization—The New “Pacific Pivot”
60 Year Anniversary of Endless U.S. War in Korea: To Control the Pacific
Hegemonic Battles for Pacific Domination: U.S., China, Russia, Indonesia and Japan vs. Pacific Peoples
Pacific Island Resistance Movements
Cross-Pacific Collaborations—A New Pacific Monitoring Authority & Other Proposals
Detailed Program here.
Tickets here.
Download poster here and please distribute widely.