By James Heddle – EON
Life in The Battlespace
James Heddle co-directs EON, the Ecological Options Network, with Mary Beth Brangan. The EON feature documentary The San Onofre Syndrome will be released next year.
By James Heddle – EON
James Heddle co-directs EON, the Ecological Options Network, with Mary Beth Brangan. The EON feature documentary The San Onofre Syndrome will be released next year.
“It is fair to say things won’t go back to truly normal until we have a vaccine that we’ve gotten out to basically the entire world.” – Bill Gates
“We’re never going to learn about how safe the vaccine is, unless we start giving it. That’s just the way it goes.” – Eric Rubin MD, PhD. – Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee meeting on injections for 5-11 year-olds – Oct. 26, 2021
“Can you imagine what this means both for population health and for individual health? This is going to be a major disaster.” – Geert Vanden Bossche, PhD, DVM
Also posted on Substack
The Public Comments Charade
Each Tuesday morning of late we have joined an ever-dwindling number of our sister and brother Marin County, California citizens in an attempt to deliver vital, evidence-based decision-making information to our Board of Supervisors during weekly ‘public comment periods’ in the mandated 120-second sound-bytes.
It’s not working.
Our comments, even if carefully timed to head off the Chairman’s robotic voice intoning, “Thank you. Your time is up,” are met with distracted glances at digital devises, or simply expressionless, zombie-like stares of disinterest.
This is not the way participatory democracy is supposed to function.
Our carefully researched and documented information is not only not being absorbed by a system stuck on stupid, it is being totally ignored even at the time of delivery.
That’s because our group of informed and concerned citizens are labeled as “the usual vocal minority that always shows up on any issue” and pre-emptively dismissed as irrelevant.
Insanity in an Indemnified Syringe – Injection = Infection?!
Meanwhile, facilitated by this body’s uninformed, misinformed and dysinformed decisions, this county follows the lemming stampede over the Covid cliff.
As evidence mounts that not only do the gene-altering injections being mandated down to the five-year-olds cause heart attacks, neurological dysfunction and infertility in teenagers, they also fail to prevent infection, transmission, hospitalization or death among the jabbed.
The poster child for this tragic syndrome is the highly inoculated Israel, where ICU’s are reportedly now filled with the Covid-infected ‘fully vaccinated.’
In fact, the injections cause suppression of both innate and adaptive immune system responses and encourage the proliferation of already existing variant viral strains not targeted by the narrowly-focused synthetic ‘vaccines,’ thus making the injected more likely to be infected and transmit the variants to others.
What’s emerging is a “Pandemic of the Vaccinated” in which the injected can infect the un-injected, who are – in an ironic twist – better able to develop immunity to all variants, present and future. Source
And all of this is unfolding in the over-arching context of a rolling transnational coup attempt – a hostile take-over of global governance and the planetary commons – of which the Supervisors, in their psyop-induced trance state, appear blissfully unaware.
Here’s the way we put it to them in our comments this week.
Statement of Mary Beth Brangan
Good morning, Supervisors.
Governments worldwide have demanded that only inoculations with experimental gene altering therapies could be used against covid-19 and have blocked early and inexpensive treatments. Has this been effective in reducing illness and death?
Today I’m presenting a report based on numbers provided by the World Health Organization and OurWorldinData from December 2020 to September 15, 2021.
In Gibraltar, After 115% vaccination coverage which was all the population plus many visitors, the number of new infections increased 5 times and deaths increased by 19 times.
In the UK more than 70% have had at least one shot and 59% have had two, however infections, hospitalizations and deaths have mounted since mid-July. According to the official government report in August there were nearly twice as many deaths of those fully vaccinated compared to deaths among the unvaccinated.
In Israel 70% of the population is vaccinated and nearly 90% of those most at risk have had two inoculations. At the end of July, 71% of critically ill Israelis were fully vaccinated.
In the US, according to the Dept. of Defense Humetrix report of those over 65 on Medicare who were double vaccinated, there is a surge of hospitalizations and deaths 3 to 4 months after the second shot with a doubling of those numbers after 5 to 6 months.
Does continuing to mandate more inoculations sound like a reasonable response when these are the real life and death results? Are we being lied to about the vaccines’ effectiveness?
Continuing to ban the proven effective early treatments using inexpensive remedies and mandating only expensive inoculations cruelly takes away chances for recovery for many of the stricken since clearly, the inoculations are not preventing the disease, hospitalizations or deaths.
Thanks for your attention.
Statement of James Heddle
Covid Context
Based on 18 months of research and 6 overflowing file boxes of evidence, my conclusion, shared by many others around the world, is that:
The over all context of the current Covid Crisis is an attempted global coup d’état aimed at preserving and increasing the wealth and power of a transnational parasitic class of billionaires, technocrats and financial asset managers. The coup agenda has five main components:
Via forced mass toxic inoculations causing immediate mortalities and induced long-term co-morbidities, immune system dysfunctions and sterility – in effect, Eugenicide.
Via AI-enabled bio-security tracking and tracing technologies –remote, wearable and implanted – facilitated by the global rollout of a ubiquitous 5G and 6G satellite and ground station network and the related Transhumanist project of a bio-digital convergence – a planned fusion of our biological, psychological and digital identities.
Of both individuals and the human genome itself via compulsory mass injections of experimental synthetic gene fragments and metallic nano-particles with unknown long-term effects.
Controlled demolition and ‘reset’ of the global governance and economic systems via lockdown measures, central bank block-chain-based digital currencies, Universal Basic Income, social credit scoring and a cashless society combined with
Via the creation of ‘new asset classes’ through financialization and monetization of both ‘human capital’ and ‘eco-system services’ in the largest global power and resource grab in history. See this and this.
This coup attempt is a crime against humanity and must be stopped.
Thanks for your attention.
Mary Beth Brangan and James Heddle Co-Direct EON, the Ecological Options Network. The EON feature documentary The San Onofre Syndrome is scheduled for release next year.
A Simulated Preparedness Exercise for a Potentially Terminal Attack of Cognitive Dissonance
By James Heddle – EON
A Hypothetical Cognitive Cycle – Thinking the Unthinkable ( and then Unthinking It )
I invite you to join me in a harmless little thought experiment.
Just as a ‘what if’ exercise, let’s imagine that something we know to be utterly impossible, is suddenly shown to be actually true.
Let’s just pretend that we encounter convincing evidence that something we and our peers are absolutely certain about turns out to be wrong. Something totally improbable.
For example, just suppose for the sake of this preparedness exercise that the obviously true climate change crisis alarms we see and hear every day (Worldview A) are somehow shown to be a mass psyop project (Worldview B) with objectives less noble than saving the planet?
Objectives, like resetting the world’s financial, monetary and governance systems, the monetization of natural systems and the normalization of mass human population management. Would that mean that the upcoming COP 26 (31 Oct – 12 Nov 2021, in Glasgow) and its underlying Paris Agreement on Climate Change may be – like the new Kim Stanley Robinson novel The Committee for the Future – a work of fiction based on fictions?
Hard to imagine, I know. Actually, there is evidence to support that view ( see sources below ), but never mind that. It’s probably just Worldview A and Worldview B cancelling each other out. Climate Change Alarmism plus Climate Change Denialism equals Rudy Giuliani’s Dictum: “There is no Truth.”
But for now, let’s just try to let ourselves imagine that view B does turn out to be true.
How would that affect your personal and political choices? Your relations with friends, family, community? What would be the ripple effects and ramifications for your other rock-solid paradigmatic bunkers of certainty? A cascade of cognitive collapses?
WTF is the ‘solar minimum?’ Why haven’t we heard of that before? An avalanche of doubt begins to slip down the cognitive slope. What if 9-11 was an inside job? What if the Kennedy Brothers, Malcolm X and Dr. King were not assassinated by ‘lone nuts?’ What if the Bolshevik Revolution, the Third Reich and FDR’s New Deal were all engineered by Wall Street? What if Dr. Fauci and the other news show medical mandarins have been lying about the risks of Covid and the safety and efficacy of the genome-altering inoculations now being mandated for children as young as five?
What if the world-wide 5G build-out and the total surveillance society and Great Reset and the Central Banks’ ‘Going Direct’ digital currencies and Transhumanism and the UN Agenda 2030 scenarios all turn out to be somehow overlapping and mutually reinforcing? Too weird and paranoid a conspiracy theory to be true of course. But, what if…?
OK. Sorry. I’ll stop there. Whew. Let’s back away from the brink of the cognitive abyss. I know this is all an absurd and possibly irresponsible stretch of the imagination. Enough silly mind games. Everything we know can’t be wrong.
But, you get the idea.
It’s just an exercise to test the comfort boundaries of your open mind.
Note: After you finish this little, innocuous thought experiment, please be sure to purge your mind of any remaining shreds of lingering, imaginary cognitive dissonances. Absolute certainty is a terrible thing to lose.
On the other hand, so is an open mind.
But, hey, as history shows, Paradigm Shift happens.
NASA – Solar Minimum is Coming
The huge influence of the Beaufort Gyre and the Gulf Stream on our weather:
The Arctic’s “Ticking Climate Bomb”: Little Ice Age Imminent
Dark, Cold Years Are Coming, So You’d Better Get Ready
Geoengineering: The real climate change threat
Corbett • 02/14/2013 •
Extraordinary Claims Require Extraordinary Evidence
It’s Cold, Not Hot, Extremes That Are on the Rise
Upcoming Grand Solar Minimum Could Wipe Out Global Warming for Decades
The Post-Carbon Energy Eugenics Hoax EXPLAINED
The Great Reset: The Final Assault on the Living Planet [It’s Not a Social Dilemma – It’s the Calculated Destruction of the Social, Part III]
John Titus: The “Going Direct” Reset: The Pandemic is a Monetary Event
James Heddle co-directs EON, the Ecological Options Network with Mary Beth Brangan, who provided research for this article. The EON feature documentary The SAN ONOFRE SYNDROME, ten years in the making, will be released next year.
Another Update from Madhouse Marin
Marin County’s Chief Medical Officer Dr. Matt Willis just had a great time.
On “Super Saturday Nov. 6” he oversaw the genetic alteration of 2,367 5-11 year-olds. “Wow! Willis exclaimed, “We had such an exciting weekend!”
Thus encouraged, the good doctor announced his future plans.
Here’s what we attempted to communicate with our delusional County Supervisors at this week’s meeting.
Statement of Mary Beth Brangan to
Marin County Board of Supervisors November 9, 2021
Good morning Supervisors. I’m Mary Beth Brangan, of EON in Marin. Please enter this report into the public record.
I’m still shocked to my core that the health of our precious children is being risked with mRNA inoculations for Covid-19 with absolutely no benefit since, unless they have co-morbidities they aren’t at risk for Covid. But here is another risk to us all.
In September United States senior army surgeon Lieutenant Colonel Theresa Long, MD, MPH, FS filed an affidavit under the Military Whistleblower Protection Act against the Biden administration’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate for active duty military personnel.
Lt. Col. Long serves as the Surgeon for Ft. Rucker, Alabama and is responsible for certifying the health for 4,000 individuals on flight status on this post.
Dr. Long warns that army pilots are at a risk of dying in flight after receiving mRNA COVID-19 vaccines due to the risk of myocarditis and complications, including sudden cardiac death.
She states flight crews present extraordinary risks to themselves and others given the equipment they operate, the weapons they carry and their areas of operation in close proximity to populated areas.
Despite some people dismissing the severity of this increasing vaccine adverse effect, according to a report in the National Center for Biotechnology Information, part of U.S. National Library of Medicine, the mortality rate for myocarditis is up to 20 percent at one year and 50 percent at five years. This adverse effect could drastically shorten the lives of our young people. Scandinavian countries have suspended the Moderna vax for this reason for young men 30 and under.
Though her affidavit warns of possibility of vaccinated Army pilots dying while in flight, this could apply to commercial pilots forced to be vaccinated as well.
Keep this in mind as you travel and continue to mandate vaccinations.
Statement of James Heddle to the Marin Board of Supervisors
Nov. 9, 2021
Hello. I’m James Heddle, from the Ecological Options Network – EON
I’m sad to see that child sacrifice is back in style and that utter madness reins supreme.
I have two studies to share, which I will submit for the record.
The first is from an international group of 26 scientists published in the prestigious publication Nature titled: Comprehensive Investigations revealed consistent pathophysiological alterations after vaccination with Covit-19 vaccines
The group found that “after vaccination, at least by day 28… people’s immune systems… were … in a more vulnerable state…. And that vaccination… influenced various health indicators including those related to diabetes, renal dysfunction, cholesterol metabolism, coagulation problems, and electrolyte imbalance, … Vaccination…reduced a person’s general antiviral ability.” They concluded, “it is imperative to consider the potential long-term impact of vaccination to certain medical conditions or to general human health.”
The second is titled, UK Government reports suggest the Fully Vaccinated are rapidly developing Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome, and the Immune System decline has now begun in Children.
Reports published by the UK Health Security Agency on Covid-19 cases show that “…double vaccinated 40-79 year olds have now lost 50% of their immune system capability and are consistently losing a further 4-5% every week…”
“Projections also now show that 30-49 year olds will have zero Covid / viral defense at best, or a form of vaccine mediated acquired immunodeficiency syndrome at worst, by the first week in January and all double vaccinated people over 30 will have completely lost that part of their immune system which deals with Covid-19 in the next 18 weeks…all fully genome sequenced UK Delta Covid-19 cases …, clearly show the progressive damage that the vaccines are doing to the immune response of the fully vaccinated.”
Thanks for your urgent attention to these alarming finding
Mary Beth Brangan and James Heddle are Co-Directors of EON – The Ecological Options Network. The EON feature documentary The SAN ONOFRE SYNDROME, ten years in the making, will be released next year.
Last week iconic public intellectual Prof. Noam Chomsky declared that if ‘unvaccinated killers’ wanted to have the ‘liberty’ to ‘run around killing people,’ the state should put them under house arrest.
About the same time, the FDA’s Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC) voted unanimously – with one abstention – to extend the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for the untested, gene-altering Pfizer injection to children from 5 to 11. This is the same toxic concoction the is filling the hospitals of Israel, the UK and other heavily injected countries with ‘breakthrough’ cases of serious Covid infections in injected people.
The CHD reports, “The 17 members of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee who voted 17-0 in favor of authorizing Pfizer’s COVID vaccine for kids ages 5 to 11 all have deep ties to pharma.”
That same day, we had subjected ourselves to another painful experience of joining some of our sister and brother local citizens to participate in a Zoom meeting, trying to educate our County Board of Supervisors on the many serious contra-indications for ‘vaccine mandates.’ We were hoping they would take seriously reports like this one:
The Delta is learning how to thrive. The evidence has further accumulated to show that the vaccinated are showing viral loads (very high) similar to the unvaccinated, and the vaccinated are equally as infectious. Source
Or this one:
We came away from that Zoom experience and recent news convinced that the Covid Cultists have now moved on from euthanizing the elderly to performing child sacrifice.
Since when is it OK to inject little kids – who have a documented Covid resistance rate of over 99% with a toxic mix that threatens possibly early death and life-long cardiac, respiratory and neurological debility on the individual level, and permanent contamination of the human genome on the species level? One has to wonder, what part of the phase Monstrous Crime Against Humanity do these tragically disinformed ‘public servants’ find it impossible to understand?
We have decided to report to our wider readership on this Board of Supervisors implementation of the Health Director’s mandate, because, as the decision-makers in the richest and most injected county in the country, it represents a local microcosm of the general Covid madness.
It’s hard not to conclude from the tone of today’s session that the Covid Eugenicide Fix is going to go forward just like the Great Anthropocene Extinction – or should I say Trans-Anthropocene Extinction – high-speed trains heading for the abyss.
Despite the many well-documented red flag issues raised by many of us informed dissenters in our public comments, Marin’s Chief Medical Officer Dr. Matt Willis dismissed it all as misinformation, claiming the dangers of childhood myocarditis are slight, despite evidence of early deaths or lifelong cardiac debility. He informed us that we are now moving from ‘pandemic’ to ‘endemic’ mode, meaning Covid will now be with us forever – meaning, and so will endless ‘boosters.’
Guaranteed Welfare for Big Pharma and career functionaries like Willis.
Willis went on to explain that because Covid will now be perpetually ubiquitous, we will have to choose between the ‘safety and effectiveness’ of injections or the ‘high risks’ of natural immunity.
Earlier the entire Board had teared-up and gushed over a teenaged cancer survivor child who was happy to read his message urging all his age-mates to get The Shots just like he has because it’s ‘cool’ – a kind of male Covid version of Greta, the beloved Green New Deal mascot. Also because you know, concern about your community.
Compare that with this:
It was a very sobering session, the informed public comments serving as the only rays of hope. It feels like we’re pouring all our work in gathering documented evidence directly into their institutional memory shredder. We’re joining others that intend to keep it up – despite the apparent futility of trying to influence this brainwashed body – in the slim hope of helping to inform the few fellow citizens who may take the trouble to listen in.
Our comments follow.
Good morning Supervisors. I’m Mary Beth Brangan, co-director of the Ecological Options Network here in Marin.
I’m very concerned about the health of our children who will be forced to be inoculated with the experimental so-called vaccines.
About four to six months after western governments instituted aggressive jab campaigns for the masses.
Reports from around the world are showing elevated excess deaths among the younger populations, especially among males.
Young males are at an increased risk of myocarditis if fully vaccinated, according to this study based on the U.S. VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System.
Here is an excerpt: “Myocarditis rates reported in VAERS were significantly higher in youths between the ages of 13 to 23 (p<0.0001) with ∼80% occurring in males. Within 8 weeks of the public offering of COVID-19 products to the 12-15-year-old age group, we found 19 times the expected number of myocarditis cases in the vaccination volunteers over background myocarditis rates for this age group. In addition, a 5-fold increase in myocarditis rate was observed subsequent to dose 2 as opposed to dose 1 in 15-year-old males.”
At the same time that younger populations experienced a dramatic increase in excess deaths, death rates from Covid for those under 45 are quite low, and excess deaths are small in older populations.
Even the United States Army, Navy and Air Force report a study showing elevated rates of myocarditis in inoculated exceptionally fit young adults.
Here’s a quote from reporting on this study: “A new study of U.S. service members found higher than expected rates of heart inflammation following receipt of COVID-19 vaccines. It’s a finding Defense Department researchers say should call attention to the condition, known as myocarditis, as a potential side effect of the immunizations.”
These facts should warn against forcing these inoculations on our young people.
Please submit this into the public record. Thanks for listening.
Good morning. I’m James Heddle an informed dissenter from West Marin –
One of the few un-injected people in the proudly touted most injected county, in the most injected state, in a heavily injected country. Based on adverse events data, I’m one of those Thrombocytopenia-Hesitant, Myocarditis-Hesitant, Spongiform-Encephalopathy-Hesitant, Anti-Body-Enhancement-Hesitant people, unwilling to become genetically modified experimental animals.
Here are three pieces of information that should lead to a rational and ethical reconsideration of the policies being followed in this county, state and nation.
Point One: According to Swiss Policy Research, Israel, with the world’s top injection rate, also reports the highest Covid infection rate. Conclusion: neither vaccine mandates nor “vaccine passports” are suitable means to limit or end the pandemic.… injections don’t prevent infection or transmission, loose effectiveness within a few months…” and weaken immune systems.
Point Two: Despite claims of a “Pandemic of the Unvaccinated,” the Israeli situation has led leading WHO immunization expert Dr. Christian Perronne to state “Unvaccinated people are not dangerous; vaccinated people are dangerous for others. It’s proven in Israel now…”
That’s because of ‘shedding’ – the transmission of biological effects from the injected to the un-injected by means of proximity, inhalation, or skin contact as acknowledged in a Pfizer document I will provide with other sources in my written submission for the record.
Point Three: Electro-micrographic evidence shows that all 4 jab brands contain metallic nanoparticles such as toxic graphene oxide that respond to electro-magnetic radiation – apparently part of a wireless medical surveillance and drug delivery system already described in medical journals and patent applications.
Source 1 Source 2 Source 3 Source 4
Please give this data your and your staff’s serious attention. Thank you.
James Heddle co-directs EON, the Ecological Options Network with Mary Beth Brangan, who contributed to this article. The forthcoming EON feature documentary The San Onofre Syndrome is heading for release next year.
He believes hospitals are overwhelmed with unvaccinated Covid patients and that health care workers are resigning in droves because of the overload stress, not to avoid injection mandates. He claims the global south is ‘begging’ to be injected.
James Heddle co-directs EON, the Ecological Options Network with Mary Beth Brangan, who contributed to this article. The EON feature documentary SHUTDOWN – The San Onofre Syndrome on the challenges of nuclear waste management will be released next year.
By Mary Beth Brangan By James Heddle
Marin County, California where we live, is just across the Golden Gate Bridge from San Francisco.
Famously wealthy Marin has the dubious distinction of being the most heavily Covid-injected county, in the most Covid-injected state, in an increasingly Covid-injected nation.
According to Market Research, “Marin County, California has reached a milestone. 97% of eligible residents of the county have been vaccinated at least once and 90% have been fully vaccinated, but the milestone does not stop here.”
Indeed, it does not. The county is awaiting FDA approval to inject children from ages 5-11 and is rolling out ‘The Boosters!’
The currently announced rules are that all Marinites are to remain fully masked in indoor public venues and for children to wear masks in schools.
This, even though the County’s Chief Medical Office, Dr. Matt Willis explains that the durability of the initial two jabs is fading by the day and that the boosters are likely to be ineffective against the fearsome Delta Variant.
Welcome to the Marin Madhouse.
Voices in the Wilderness
Following below are our statements in the Tues. Oct. 12, 2021 meeting of our Marin County Supervisors.
The good Dr. Willis’s Covid Update, which led off the meeting, was horrifying in its illogic, non sequiturs and dire implications, as well as in its air of smug, self-congratulatory certainty and professional arrogance.
In response to leading questions from the clueless Council Members, Willis boasted that his county has “Some of the lowest case rates in the state. Some of the lowest hospitalization and mortality rates. The numbers tell the story,” he said.
We were speaking locally, but we believe such statements are globally relevant for any elected bodies anywhere that are imposing irrational, contradictory, criminal and potentially lethal Covid measures on their constituent populations.
We are all being conditioned for mindless obedience and habitual compliance to authoritarian ‘authorities,’ and we must resist while there is still time.
Good Morning Supervisors, I’m Mary Beth Brangan, Co-director of Ecological Options Network and a resident of Marin.
As a mother and grandmother, my anguish forces me to speak out for the children as young as 5 being forced to have injected into their small bodies an experimental gene therapy that will alter them for the rest of their lives. This is in addition to the more than 70 other mandated childhood vaccinations.
I am asking why? So is a recent meticulously documented paper, “Why are we vaccinating our children against Covid-19?” The paper published in September 2021 Toxicology Reports is co-authored by Dr. Ronald Kostoff and references 127 scientific citations.
Some of the main points the paper makes against inoculating the children are 1) the vast majority of Covid-19 deaths occur in the elderly with co-morbidities; 2) per capita Covid-19 deaths of children are negligible; 3) however, risks from an experimental gene therapy are not negligible and include myocarditis, paralysis, blood clots, vision loss, nerve disorders, etc; 4) the trials have been for only a few months; 5) the clinical trials didn’t consider long term effects that are of course, most relevant to children who have many decades ahead of them. What about future fertility?
I would add that no studies have been done to test for interactions between this gene therapy that alters their immune systems and the many other vaccinations and the different adjuvants in the dozens of different vaccinations children are forced to take. So clearly the risks outweigh any so-called benefits.
Already in the short time since Covid inoculations have begun, more deaths have been reported to the joint FDA/CDC Vaccine Adverse Effects Reporting System (VAERS) than were reported in the prior 20 years from all other vaccines combined. This is despite, according to a study by a Harvard medical group, less than 1% of adverse events, including deaths, are reported since busy doctors can’t take the extra time to deal with the complicated online forms and in fact, according to many professionals, few doctors are even aware of VAERS.
Please think about how many more children are likely to suffer long term harm and potentially shortened life spans from these unnecessary risky injections while they are already challenged to survive in our polluted world. Please use your authority to protect our children. Take these points to the County Health Officials that are mandating this policy and ask why? Then reverse this policy. _______________________________________________
What are other countries’ policies on children’s Covid vaccines?
Other countries have expressed concerns with the growing numbers of perfectly healthy young men who were diagnosed with the serious long term condition myocarditis and pericarditis after being inoculated. Many nations chose to limit doses and many parents are reluctant to inoculate their children.
Fully Vaxxed are more at risk
According to data released recently by the Salus Project, a DoD/Joint Artificial Intelligence Commission project keeping track of vaccinations among Medicare recipients, fully vaccinated people over 65 have increased hospitalizations after 3-4 months with the numbers doubling at 5-6 months and steadily rising. The warnings are that numbers will be growing during the winter months but will be confused by the flu and blamed on the ‘variants.’ Alarmingly, Native Americans are at a 50% greater risk, Latinx at 40% and Blacks at 25% higher risk than whites for hospitalizations after being inoculated.
Good Morning
I’m James Heddle, Co-Director of EON – the Ecological Options Network and a Marin County resident.
I’m trained in sociology and psychology and, at one point in my career, headed the graduate psychology program at Antioch University’s campus in Seattle.
That background means I can recognize an induced mass psychosis when I see one, a conclusion that I reached based on months of research resulting in six overflowing file boxes of documents.
I am not alone in that diagnosis.
A growing number of professionals around the world from many disciplines are risking their careers and even their lives to speak out publicly in the current toxic censorship environment.
One of them is International Attorney Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, co-founder of The Berlin Covid Committee, which has now interviewed more than a hundred experts from around the world in various fields in its investigation of the origin and on-going effects of the Covid crisis. They are now terming it “the most serious crime against humanity”ever attempted and are suing the World Health Organization, WHO with a battery of expert witnesses on that basis.
In a recent report entitled Humanity vs Inhumanity, Attorney Fuellmich announced the Committee’s conclusion that the perpetrators of this massive psychological operation or PsyOP are “megalomaniac psychopaths & sociopaths who must be stopped.”
Many members of our society are demonstrably afflicted by this induced mass psychosis. Such folks respond to any attempt at logical, evidence-based discussion with the thought-stopping slogans ‘conspiracy theory,’ or ‘fake news’ – as labeled by FaceBook bots or corporate ‘fact checkers.’
I hope that does not apply to at least some members of this august body, and it is to you that I address my brief remarks.
Authoritarian Overreach
We have now arrived at a point of unprecedented levels of government authoritarianism, censorship and suppression of dissent. Most of the United States Bill of Rights has effectively been suspended. with many nations around the world also repressing their populations.
The program of compulsory toxic injections is still being pursued, despite the emerging evidence. Here’s just a few extensively documented inconvenient truths:
Follow the Money
Finally, reports show that the billionaire class has made fortunes during the pandemic. Forbes reported that 40 new billionaires have been created with 9 of them being vaccine manufacturers.’
Two huge asset management firms at the top of the global power pyramid, Vanguard and Blackrock, not only own vaccine companies, but also many companies mandating use of their experimental, gene-altering injections. What’s wrong with that picture?
There’s a recognizable pattern here. Proven, safe, effective, inexpensively available early treatment remedies – like certain vitamins and zinc, Ivermectin, Budesonide and Hydroxychloroquine have been actively suppressed to ‘protect the market’ for toxic, untested gene-altering injection concoctions.
In fact, the sole legal justification for issuing the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) is that no effective treatments exist. Since we now know that treatments do exist and have successfully been in wide use before and during the Covid crisis, it is clear that the entire experimental inoculation roll-out is based on a lie and the suppression of proven early treatment options because they were inexpensive. Had these already available inexpensive treatment options been acknowledged, there would have been no justification for the “Emergency Use Authorization”, the EUA that permitted untested therapies to be forced globally with no liability.
As a result toxic injections known to cause permanent multiple disablements, sterility and death are in the process of being required for children 5-11 with intentions to inoculate babies as young as 6 months old soon.
Adverse Events
As of September 17, according to data compiled from the joint FDA/CDC run VAERS, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reports a staggering 24,380 Total Reported Deaths have occurred from the injections, with 726,963 COVID Vaccine Adverse Event Reports and 66,642 Vaccine Reported Hospitalizations. A signed affidavit from a whistleblower estimates those numbers to be under-reported by at least 1- 5%.
Adverse affects documented around the world include (in addition to sudden deaths and neurological damage) potentially lethal, and certainly long-term quality-of-life reducing conditions, including Thrombocytopenia, Myocarditis, Spongiform-Encephalopathy and Anti-Body-Enhancement (ADE).
VAERS COVID Vaccine Reports of Deaths by Days to Onset = All Ages
The clear, undeniable evidence of a monstrous, long-planned, transnationally coordinated crime against humanity aimed at population reduction and consolidated, globalized central control – continues to mount. ‘Conspiracy theory,’ is fast becoming conspiracy fact.
Rx Pharmaceutical Phascism
There is a famous prediction that, “When fascism comes to America, it will come wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross.”
Well, fascism has come to America, and it has no flag, cross, or even a brown shirt.
It is wearing a white coat and carrying a syringe.
As Naomi Wolff points out in her book Ten Steps to Fascism, step ten is routinely the invocation of ‘emergency powers’ in the interest of ‘public safety.’
Much of the world, and much of the U.S. is now effectively living under virtual medical martial law.
Fortunately, growing numbers of freedom-loving white coats like America’s Frontline Doctors and frontline healthcare professionals around the country and around the world are fighting back, often at great risk and damage to their careers and livelihoods.
For example over 860,000 medical professionals and concerned citizens from over 44 countries have now signed the Great Barrington Declaration since its publication on October 4, 2020.
To date it has been signed by 37,192 Medical practitioners, 12,511 Medical & Public Health Scientists and 671,662 Concerned Citizens
The Declaration reads in part:
Coming from both the left and right, and around the world, we have devoted our careers to protecting people. Current lockdown policies are producing devastating effects on short and long-term public health.
And here is an excerpt from a document coming from participants in drafting the The Rome Declaration from the May 21, 2021 Global Health Summit 2021, which has now been signed by over 10,000 physicians and medical scientists worldwide. It tells the tale and speaks the indictment:
WHERAS, thousands of physicians are being denied the right to provide treatment to their patients, as a result of barriers put up by pharmacies, hospitals, and public health agencies, rendering the vast majority of healthcare providers helpless to protect their patients in the face of disease. Physicians are now advising their patients to simply go home (allowing the virus to incubate) and return when their disease worsens, resulting in hundreds of thousands of unnecessary patient deaths, due to failure-to-treat.
WHERAS, the above is not medicine. It is not Care. We cannot sit idle while patients are forced to go home and sicken in place. These policies may actually constitute crimes against humanity.
Marin is now imposing measures with serious implications for personal freedom and the county’s economy, with masking and injections being pushed.
It is a violation of the False Claims Act of the Federal Trade Commission to promote something that doesn’t have at least two independent, peer-reviewed clinical trials to justify claims of either safety or efficacy.
No measures being currently imposed – mask wearing, lockdowns, or gene-altering injections qualify under those standards.
None of the experimental injections being mandated have been subjected to rigorous animal trials or adequate human short or long-term trials and proven early treatment protocols exist using available inexpensive products.
Under 21 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 50, no one can be forced or coerced into a clinical trial of an experimental substance, even as a medical countermeasure. It’s just not legal, period.
Behavior meant to create a hostile or unsafe environment toward those
without a face covering or vaccine verification qualifies as harassment,
which is a criminal offense.
Public officials mandating such measures are acting illegally and are potentially subject to prosecution if and when the real facts of this situation are exposed.
I’ll send my full statement for the public record by email. Thank you for your attention.
“As we know, there are known knowns. There are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns. That is to say, we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns — the ones we don’t know we don’t know.” – Donald Rumsfeld – 1932 – 2021
“What the fourth industrial revolution will lead to is a fusion of our physical, digital and biological identity.” – Klaus Schwab – World Economic Forum Founder
by James Heddle – EON
[A version of this article is also posted Reader Supported News ]
The Man in the Revolving Door
The career of Donald Rumsfeld, who died June 29 at the age of 88, is emblematic – and eerily predictive in 2021 hindsight – of the current increasingly seamless merger of the Big Defense, Big Tech and Big Pharma sectors of our society now moving forward by the day.
That process is currently being perpetrated by technocratic totalitarians through medical marshal law, the ‘Fourth Industrial Revolution,’ and the Transhumanist Great Reset agenda.
Rule by technical experts, or ‘technocracy’ is an authoritarian vision of a “socially engineered” civilization first articulated by scientists and engineers at Columbia University in 1932. As author Patrick Wood explains, “Technocracy is to the transformation of society as Transhumanism is to the transformation of the human condition of people who would live in that society.”
Rumsfeld’s archetypal personal trajectory took him from being a Congressman, then U.S. Representative to NATO, then Chief of Staff under Gerald Ford, to Ford’s appointee as Secretary of Defense from 1975 to 1977. He returned to that office from 2001 to 2006 under George W. Bush. In between stints as both the youngest and the oldest person to direct the DOD, Rumsfeld held chief executive positions at several corporations including the pharmaceutical firm G. D. Searle & Company, the technology company General Instrument Corporation and the biopharmaceutical company Gilead Sciences, Inc.
Searle brought him in as CEO in 1977 when it was under fire from both the FDA and the Justice Department for fraudulent testing of the toxic artificial sweetener aspartame, which is now commonly used in such products as NutraSweet, Equal, Spoonful, Canderel, Benevia, and a wide array of popular ‘non-fattening’ products and ‘diet soda’ drinks.
Adverse Effects
Aspartame is a genetically engineered substance containing methyl ester. Its amino acids are allegedly grown using genetically modified (GM) E. coli bacteria.
Food science professor Woodrow Monte, whose article “Aspartame: Methanol and the Public Health” appeared in the Journal of Applied Nutrition, reported, “Methyl alcohol then converts to two other known toxins—formaldehyde and formic acid.”
[ Archived here: ]
Those toxics in turn have been shown to interact in ways that lower the seizure threshold and trigger psychiatric and behavioral problems, in addition to other symptoms and diseases.
The FDA is Not Our Friend
Washington, DC attorney and FDA watchdog James Turner holds a record for successful litigation against the FDA. [ Disclosure: He is also a founding EON Board Member.]
In his revealing article The Aspartame / NutraSweet Fiasco, Turner tells of arguing a case brought against the FDA in which renowned brain researcher John Olney presented studies showing that aspartame triggered brain tumors in rats and reportedly caused epileptic seizures in monkeys, as well as possible eye damage. The evidence presented accused the agency of giving its approval on the basis of “sloppy science.”
Sound familiar?
Rumsfeld, The Fixer
Attorney Jim Turner reports, “Dr. Olney had already shown that aspartic acid (one aspartame component) caused microscopic holes in the brains of rats after each feeding. Aspartame also includes phenylalinine, which causes PKU in a small number of susceptible children, and methyl, or wood, alcohol, which is neurotoxic in large amounts.” [Phenylketonuria, or PKU is a metabolic disorder.]
In a current personal email exchange, Turner remembers,
“There was a public board of inquiry (a PBOI made up of three world class scientists) that ruled unanimously that Aspartame failed to meet legal requirements for safety under the food and drug law and should not be marketed. This was in October 1980. In the first quarter of 1981, a new Commissioner was appointed by Reagan. That new commissioner had been a contract doctor at the Defense Department when Rumsfeld was secretary. Senate investigators were never able to determine who put his name into contention for becoming commissioner.”
Turner goes on to recall:
“Some consumer groups I represented had blocked the marketing of NutraSweet after its 1974 FDA approval. In mid 1977 Rumsfeld invited me to a meeting in a suite he was using at the Madison hotel here in DC. It struck me that he knew he had a weak legal case and that he had an even weaker science case. I proposed that we set up a joint scientific review panel sponsored by his company J.D. Searle and the consumer groups. For the next six months we went back and forth until Searle finally broke off discussions. It seemed to me that Rumsfeld calculated that since he might lose legally and scientifically he needed to win politically and, as he told his sales force, he set out to call in all his DC political IOUs. In the entire encounter I had the sense that the amount of potential harm he might cause to people using his sweetener did not move him and he left it out of his calculation for getting the ulcer drug/food additive marketed. Aspartame was originally developed as an ulcer drug. FDA regulators had grave doubts about its safety. Rumsfeld was a fixer.”
It’s worth remembering here that it was this same perfidious and corrupt FDA that infamously persecuted, pilloried and prosecuted pioneer researcher Wilhelm Reich, confiscated and burned his controversial, ground breaking energy research and sent him to prison on false charges, where he died. This is also the agency that, at this writing, is under pressure to grant full approval to the Pfizer and Moderna Covid-19 untested gene therapy products misleadingly and deceptively labeled ‘vaccines.’
According to another report published at the time of Turner’s case, the FDA had “…compiled a list of 92 symptoms from the more than 10,000 consumer complaints they received about aspartame. These included four kinds of seizures, blindness, memory loss, fatigue, change in heart rate, difficulty breathing, joint, bone and chest pain, speech impairment, tremors, change in body weight, lumps, blood and lymphatic problems, developmental retardation and problems with pregnancy, anemia, conjunctivitis, male sexual dysfunction,.. [as well as]… neurodegenerative disease, cancer, diabetes, obesity, and sudden cardiac death…”
A Recurring Pattern of Regulatory Dysfunction
This list of ‘adverse effects’ matches with troubling congruence those currently being widely reported in relation to the experimental gene modifying injections now being widely administered without adequate testing.
At the time of Searle’s aspartame problems with two government agencies – in part because of Turner’s litigation – Rumsfeld was part of the Reagan transition team.
Turner says that in January 1981, anticipating Reagan’s inauguration, Searle head and transition team member “Rumsfeld told a sales meeting, according to one attendee, that he would call in his chips and get aspartame approved by the end of the year. On January 25th, the day the new president took office, the previous FDA commissioner’s authority was suspended.
As he had predicted, Rumsfeld’s high crony connections in the Reagan Administration carried the day. FDA and DOJ opposition dissolved. Despite ‘the science,’ aspartame was approved, and countless lives have subsequently been ruined by consumption of the many toxic products it now pollutes.
When Monsanto later bought Searle, Rumsfeld was awarded a $12 million bonus. Robert Shapiro, the Searle lawyer who had coined the deceptive ‘NutraSweet’ brand name, was later named Monsanto president.
“The evil that men do lives after them…” – these much-quoted words that Shakespeare put in the mouth of Marc Antony in his play Julius Caesar seem to apply with particular aptness to the late Donald Rumsfeld.
Blazing the Trail to Pharmaco-Phascism
Today the term ‘public-private partnership’ is used to denote a fusion of big government and big business that has previously been known by other names.
Rumsfeld was a harbinger and living avatar of what Zbigniew Brzezinski termed the “Technetronic Era,” which the then influential Brzezinski described in his 1970 book Between Two Ages as a looming ‘threat to liberal democracy.’ According to him, the technetronic era would involve,
“the gradual appearance of a more controlled and directed society. Such a society would be dominated by an elite whose claim to political power would rest on allegedly superior scientific knowhow. Unhindered by the restraints of traditional liberal values, this elite would not hesitate to achieve its political ends by using the latest modern techniques for influencing public behavior and keeping society under close surveillance and control.”
Rumsfeld’s revolving door career charts a direct path to the present public-private partnership of pharmacological fascism. What we find ourselves in is a situation of cyber-assisted medical marshal law in which the ‘Warp Speed’ development and roll-out of untested, experimental, gene-altering injections is being overseen by the Department of Defense, ably assisted by the surveillance, censorship and thought police powers of Big Tech and Big Media and underwritten by the deep pockets of Big Finance and misanthropic, crypto-eugenicist ‘philanthropy’ outfits like the Bill & Melinda Gates foundation and the Wellcome Trust.
In what seems like an update of Brzezinski’s prescient description, Ronnie Cummins, co-author with Dr. Joseph Mercola of The Truth About Covid-19 – Exposing the Great Reset, Lockdowns, Vaccine Passports, and the new Normal, has this well-documented observation of the current situation:
Thus far, the pandemic has triggered or contributed to disease and death among the elderly and those with serious preexisting medical conditions, or co-morbidities…. It has triggered wide-spread panic and fear in the general population, on a scale not seen since WW II. Panic-mongering has enabled opportunistic politicians, out-of-control scientists and genetic engineers, public health bureaucrats, and large corporations, especially Big Pharma and the tech giants to consolidate wealth and power as never before.
The fact that the pandemic has been used to shift wealth from the poor and middle class to the ultra-wealthy is clear for anyone to see…. In December, 2020 the total wealth of U.S. billionaires reached $4 trillion, more than $1 trillion of which was gained since March 2020 when the pandemic began, according to a study by the Institute for Policy Studies.”
In his forward to Mercola and Cummins’ book, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. reminds us of Hermann Goering’s statement to the Nuremburg Tribunal:
…it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy or a fascist dictatorship or a Parliament or a Communist dictatorship…voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.
Unknown Sequelae for a Genetically Modified Population
But what if Goering was wrong? That was then. This is now. There are signs that the planetarian community of informed dissenters is rapidly growing in numbers.
Today’s aspiring neo-technocratic, totalitarian transhumanists would do well to seriously ponder Rummy’s oft-cited admission of executive ignorance.
According to the Medical Dictionary, the word sequelae refers to “morbid conditions following or occurring as a consequence of another condition or event.” What will be the unintended sequelae of turning much of the world’s population into GMOs by means of injections created by pharmaceutical corporations, entities which by law, collectively enjoy herd impunity?
The man who engineered the approval of neurotoxic aspartame, oversaw the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, the Abu Ghraib torture and prisoner abuse scandal – not to mention other disastrous follies – must have had, before he died, the opportunity to know well the impacts of the ‘unknown unknowns’ whereof he spoke.
Time for a Re-Meme-Change
The Anthropocene meme of ‘unintended, human-caused planet-scale damage’ seems to be morphing into a widening public recognition of the declared Transhumanist/Fourth Industrial Revolution agenda to cause intended modifications to the human genome itself on a planet-wide basis. (Didn’t that used to be called ‘eugenics?’)
Perhaps the term ‘Trans-Anthropocene’ may prove to be more accurate – unless enough of us informed dissenters say “NO!” and make it stick.
As Cummins puts it,
With the body politic divided, misinformed, censored, and living in panic, the globalists, the world economic elite, can consolidate their wealth and power beyond anything the world has ever seen, hiding behind the excuse that they are safeguarding public health, mitigating climate change and eliminating poverty and unemployment. In the shadow of the Big lie, our only hope is to spread the truth, resist, get organized, and stop this tyrannical New World Order.
James Heddle co-directs EON, the Ecological Options Network with Mary Beth Brangan, who contributed to this article. The forthcoming EON feature documentary The San Onofre Syndrome is heading for release next year.
By James Heddle By Mary Beth Brangan
Coincidence Theory – The belief that world historical events ‘just happen’ without the conscious intentions, planning or purpossful interventions of any powerful, contending groups of organized actors. Any other analysis, however evidence based, is easily dismissed by labeling it with the critical thought stopping, CIA-generated term of art, ‘conspiracy theory.’ This naïve, dis-empowering cognitive error has serious existential implications.
“A person who is not inwardly prepared for the use of violence against him, is always weaker than the person committing the violence.” – Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
Our topic today is the public mind and current social media landscape as the ‘battlespace’ for information ‘warfighters’ – or, the internet as a minefield of the mind.
Below is a list of concepts that may not be familiar to most of us, but that are the stock-in-trade, everyday vocabulary of the influencers who are working to influence us 24/7. ‘Influencing’ is a growth industry,
Getting familiar with their terms of art seems like a first step in empowering ourselves for effective, informed, citizen resistance. Why should the Globalists have a monopoly on all the latest slick concepts? Perhaps we Planetarian Ecohumanists can co-opt and adapt them for our own self-defense. At the very least, awareness is empowerment – forewarned is forearmed.
[ Despair Not Planetarian Ecohumanists! – In our next PP Blog we’ll report on the exciting, encouraging and empowering emergence of examples of informed resistance that we’re seeing from the local, regional, national and international levels!.
Here’s a preview of coming attractions:
Stay tuned…. ]
Meanwhile, here’s the list of mind-warfare concepts:
If most of these terms and concepts are unfamiliar, the following sources will help unpack and illustrate them in operation for those who are interested. The really encouraging take-home from all this is that “the information revolution can cut both ways – Information fuels empowerment on every side of an issue.”
As the Info Warfighters have discovered, “It takes a network to fight a network.”
‘The definition of fascism is The marriage of corporation and state ‘ – Benito Mussolini
Author Naomi Wolff identifies the declaration of ’emergency powers’ as the sure sign that a government has reached ‘step ten’ in her 10 steps to fascism.
First in our series is this pair of articles via The Defender.
How the CIA and the NSA Made Google
Inside the secret network behind mass surveillance, endless war, and Skynet – Part 1
Inside the secret network behind mass surveillance, endless war, and Skynet – Part 2
by Nafeez Ahmed
INSURGE INTELLIGENCE, a new crowd-funded investigative journalism project, breaks the exclusive story of how the United States intelligence community funded, nurtured and incubated Google as part of a drive to dominate the world through control of information. Seed-funded by the NSA and CIA, Google was merely the first among a plethora of private sector start-ups co-opted by US intelligence to retain ‘information superiority.’
The origins of this ingenious strategy trace back to a secret Pentagon-sponsored group, that for the last two decades has functioned as a bridge between the US government and elites across the business, industry, finance, corporate, and media sectors. The group has allowed some of the most powerful special interests in corporate America to systematically circumvent democratic accountability and the rule of law to influence government policies, as well as public opinion in the US and around the world. The results have been catastrophic: NSA mass surveillance, a permanent state of global war, and a new initiative to transform the US military into Skynet.
Like Yasha Leviine’s Surveillance Valley and Shoshanna Zuboff’s The Age of Surveillance Capitalism, this two part series of investigative journalism on the origins of Google delineates the seamless web of connections between the defense, intelligence and big tech ‘communities’, their quest for ‘information dominance,’ and the information environment we now inhabit.
According to author Nafeez Ahmed, that quest for control – despite its roster of powerful players and institutions – has so far not been fully successful.
Ahmed concludes, “This investigation is based entirely on open source techniques, made viable largely in the context of the same information revolution that enabled Google. The investigation has been funded entirely by members of the public, through crowd-funding. And the investigation has been published and distributed outside the circuits of traditional media, precisely to make the point that in this new digital age, centralized top-down concentrations of power cannot overcome the power of people, their love of truth and justice, and their desire to share….
“And this story, like so many before it, is one small sign that the opportunities to mobilize the information revolution for the benefit of all, despite the efforts of power to hide in the shadows, are stronger than ever.”
Catherine Austin Fitts
Catherine Austin Fitts is a former Wall Street investment banker and United States Assistant Secretary of Housing and Urban Development during the Presidency of George H.W. Bush. She says that during her years at the notorious bankster firm Dillon Read she learned not only about banking, but about how to construct conspiracies. On the basis of her experiences in her career, she has concluded that “conspiracies are the way the world really works.”
We had the good luck to interview her soon after her ejection from her senior post at Housing for blowing the whistle on an illegal operation relating to drugs and housing in Los Angeles. We also documented her California ‘Magic and Money Tour’ with Pacifica’s popular Caroline Casey.
In the years since then, she has become the creator of the popular and informative The Solari Report.
In her recent reports The State of Our Currencies – The End of Currencies and The Injection Fraud – It’s Not a Vaccine she clearly documents the connections between the Covid panic and the push for the Great Reset – Covid as cover for a globalist political-economic coup.
She takes seriously World Economic Forum (WEF) Founder and Executive Chairman, Klaus Schwab when he says, “The pandemic represents a rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, reimagine, and reset our world.”
For more on Mr. Schwab, see:
Is the real Klaus Schwab a kindly old uncle figure wishing to do good for humanity, or is he really the son of a Nazi collaborator who used slave labour and aided Nazi efforts to obtain the first atomic bomb? Johnny Vedmore investigates. By Johnny Vedmore ]
Both on the high tech WEF website and in Schwab’s co-authored book Covid 19 – The Great Reset, the agenda to ‘Build Back Better’ a post-pandemic world in which “You will own nothing and you will be happy” is fully articulated in plain sight.
In her reports, as well as in The Going Direct Reset Fitts goes on to explain – from an investment banker’s point of view – why, how and with what effects that Great Reset is designed to come about.
Her podcast, ‘2020 Annual Wrap Up: The Going Direct Reset — The Central Bankers Make Their Move with John Titus’ explains it further.
See also:
Greatest Violations of Nuremberg Code in History – Catherine Austin Fitts
By Greg Hunter On April 17, 2021 In Political Analysis
Polly St.George
Candian commentator Polly St.George – known to viewers as AmazingPolly – is another of the wonderful crop of home-based investigative reporter truth-tellers that has recently emerged in the internet’s immune system. Here is her analysis of the Covid/Great Reset/Fourth Industrial Revolution connection and the ‘Build Back Better, Future We Want.’
“In the first half I prove that “Build Back Better” & The Great Reset is one fascist plan for total control of the world. I show you exactly where it comes from. Next, I get into why people who know about it are fighting against it. Finally I end with some hope!! We’re going to beat these people, but first we have to cut through the media lies.”
Editor’s note: Includes excellent source links in the shownotes.
Whitney Webb
The amazing researcher/writer Whitney Webb, who has produced a lot of important work in her brief career, is also a single mom. Until recently, she was based in Chile, which she has now been forced to leave because of totalitarian lockdown measures being imposed. She publishes at and at Ryan Christian’s and is a frequent guest on that program.
Whitney Webb Interview – Tanzania Coup, Rising Technocracy & The 4th Industrial Revolution
Joining me today is Whitney Webb, here to discuss her recent exodus from the increasingly authoritarian country of Chile, the regime change that just took place in Tanzania, as well as the 4th Industrial Revolution.
From “Event 201” to “Cyber Polygon”: The WEF’s Simulation of a Coming “Cyber Pandemic”
Last year, the World Economic Forum teamed up with the Russian government and global banks to run a high-profile cyberattack simulation that targeted the financial industry, an actual event that would pave the way for a “reset” of the global economy. The simulation, named Cyber Polygon, may have been more than a typical planning exercise and bears similarities to the WEF-sponsored pandemic simulation Event 201 that briefly preceded the COVID-19 crisis.
by Johnny Vedmore and by Whitney Webb February 5, 2021
WEF Warns of Cyber Attack Leading to Systemic Collapse of the Global Financial System
Posted on April 7, 2021 Author Whitney Webb
A report published last year by the WEF-Carnegie Cyber Policy Initiative calls for the merging of Wall Street banks, their regulators and intelligence agencies as necessary to confront an allegedly imminent cyber attack that will collapse the existing financial system.
James Corbett
The prolific James Corbett is has created a huge body of free wheeling, independent investigative journalism for over a decade in his Japan-based The Corbett Report.
Interview 1633 – Mark Crispin Miller Exposes Propaganda in the Academy
The mouthpieces of the scientific establishment have identified the latest global security threat: antiscience. So what does that mean, exactly? Whatever they want it to mean, of course! This week on The Corbett Report podcast, James explores the game of Science Says that the self-appointed experts are playing with the public and outlines how that game is about to get a whole lot darker.
[See especially the last four minutes, where James performs the ‘Screw You You Tube’ song.]
So YouTube have removed my main channel. Remember when Time Magazine made You the Time Person of the Year for 2006, proclaiming that the rise of YouTube demonstrates how “You control the Information Age”? Well, I do. Join me for this special podcast from the humble birthplace of The Corbett Report as I reflect on the 14 year journey that has led me to this point and how we can proceed forward into the post-YouTube era.
Interview 1634 – New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato
Story #1: Philip Zelikow, Former Exec. Dir. Of 9/11 Commission, To Chair Covid Commission
Dell Bigtree
We know Dell Bigtree’s delivery style is off-putting to some viewers, but he and his teams at The Highwire and Informed Consent Network are doing important work in investigative journalism, public education and effective litigation in support of the growing health freedom movement.
This week’s show is an Earthday special with an inspiring planetarian ecohumanist perspective from Dr. Zack Bush:
Religious Freedom Under Attack In Connecticut; Del Sits Down with Zach Bush, MD, in The Aloha State; Grab your shovel, we’re planting a Food Forest, with specialist Jim Gale!
Last week’s show is here:
Here’s an interesting segment:
Medical reporter Sanja Gupta, broke with his network, CNN, this week to side with former CDC head, Robert Redfield, on his belief that SARS-CoV-2 was, in fact, a man-made virus that escaped from a lab in Wuhan, China. Del breaks down the troubling conflict of interest involved in the WHO’s original #Covid19 investigation in Wuhan and how the US government was actually funding the development of this potential bioweapon in China.
And finally this via the beleaguered, irrepressible truthteller Mark Crispin Miller (see above)
The latest from C.J. Hopkins, on GooTube’s censorship of his important conversation with Gunnar Kaiser, on what he’s rightly called the “COVID cult.” I sent that out, and am now sending out this grim sequel.
Grim but necessary. This rolling crackdown will not stop, unless we stand together, differences aside, and stop it.
Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength. And so on.
(I urge you to subscribe to C.J.’s newsletter on Substack.)
The Big Picture – Connecting the Dots
The mosaic created by just these few sources – but supported by countless others we have archived over the past year – leads us to conclude that a relatively small network of individual and institutional players in the transnational elite are carrying out the most extensive psychological operation (psyop), biological experiment and international coup attempt in history.
The only thing that will win this information war is widespread and massive informed dissent.
As the would-be influencers’ own doctrine states, “It takes a network to fight a network.”
There are strong indications emerging that growing numbers of people around the world are waking up to that realization and joining together to resist.
As the I Ching might put it, Informed Resistance Furthers…
Don’t reset us…We’ll reset YOU….
Mary Beth Brangan and James Heddle co-direct EON, the Ecological Options Network. EON’s feature documentary SHUTDOWN LEGACY will be released later this year.
“There’s class warfare alright. But it’s my class, the rich class, that’s making war, and we’re winning.” – Warren Buffett
“The central point that emerges from our research is that economic elites and organized groups representing business interests have substantial independent impacts on U.S. government policy, while mass-based interest groups and average citizens have little or no independent influence.” – Martin Gilens and Benjamin Page – Testing Theories of American Politics: Elites, Interest Groups, and Average Citizens
“Total liberty for the wolves is death to the lambs.” – Isaiah Berlin
By James Heddle and Mary Beth Brangan – EON
[Previous versions of this article also appear on Columbus Free Press and Reader Supported News]
Revisiting Great American Resets 1913-2021 – Democracy Down the Tubes?
As the prospect of the World Economic Forum’s proposed ‘Great Reset’ as an international response to the current Covid crisis looms, it’s worth reminding ourselves that other ‘resets’ – i.e., radical transformative shifts in the socio-political-economic structure – have happened before, historically and recently, at both the international and national levels.
We share these prior ‘resets’ in the interest of encouraging pattern recognition at this crucial time. The world-wide Covid Lockdown Crisis and the current crisis of terminal stage, globalized corporate capitalism cannot be understood in isolation. By shining a light on the pattern we intend to illuminate more clearly the breathtaking scope of this planet-wide reset that’s beginning under cover of the global Covid-19 lockdown.
Some Famous Examples
The Post-WW II establishment of the U.S.-dominated, Keynesian Breton Woods system of institutions like the World Bank, the IMF and the WTO; Nixon and Kissinger’s ‘opening to China” and abandonment of the gold standard; Carter’s creation of the ‘petro-dollar’ system with Saudi Arabia are familiar examples.
In the U.S., just a partial list would include:
The Creature from Jekyll Island
Edward Griffin’s study by that name with the subtitle, A Second Look at the Federal Reserve lays out what can be seen as a template for major resets in general. It tells the story of how just seven men, who at the time collectively represented one fourth of the wealth of the entire world, gathered in deep secrecy in 1910 at the private island estate of J.P. Morgan off the coast of Georgia. In addition to Republican Senate ‘Whip’ Nelson Aldrich and Assistant U.S. Treasury Secretary A. Piatt Andrew, there were representatives of four ostensibly competing banking empires, the Rothschild and Warburg cartels from Europe, and the Morgan and Rockefeller cartels from the U.S..
The primacy of these kings of finance was being threatened by the growing proliferation of smaller local and regional banks around the country and the world and they had all concluded that it would be in their common interest to cooperate in limiting the competition from the little guys – recognized in ‘anti-trust law’ as a basically illegal conspiracy technically known as “restraint of trade.” During their clandestine island retreat, far from public view, the seven conspirators hatched a plan of how to talk the U.S. government into sponsoring their scheme.
Two years later in 1913, the Congress gave its blessing to the creation of the Federal Reserve Banking System. Except it was really not ‘federal,’ but privately owned; not really a ‘bank,’ but a cartel of a few powerful financiers; and there were actually very few ‘reserves.’
Griffin’s exhaustive 1998 study reveals that, since its inception the “central dominating power” thus established “has presided over the crashes of 1921 and 1929; the Great Depression of ’29 to ’39; recessions in ’53, ’57, ’69, ’75, and ’81; a stock market ’Black Monday’ in ’87; and a 1000% inflation which has destroyed 90% of the dollar’s purchasing power.” To that litany we can now add the economic crises of 2008 and 2020/21.
It turns out that the creation of The Fed was a devilishly clever scam to make the U.S. tax-payer the ‘insurer of last resort’ to bail out Wall Street’s recurrent failures at the expense of Main Street – a result we now see in spades as the last year of the Covid Crisis ‘stimulus funds’ has witnessed the greatest and quickest upward transfer of wealth in history to a handful of top billionaires.
Evil Geniuses At Work
A recent book by Kurt Andersen brilliantly charts the many ‘resets’ that have occurred in the U.S. just in the space of our lifetimes. Evil Geniuses: The Unmaking of America, A Recent History shows how “Beginning in the early 1970s, by means of a long war conceived of and executed by a confederacy of big business CEOs, the superrich, and right-wing zealots, the rules and norms that made the American middle class possible were undermined and dismantled.”
Andersen weaves an extensively documented tapestry of the last half-century naming names and tracing interacting currents in the U.S. cultural, political and economic systems.
His revelations build on the insights of two previous pivotal works,
Jane Mayer’s Dark Money – The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right and Nancy MacLean’s Democracy in Chains – The Deep History of the Radical Right’s Stealth Plan for America.
Read together these four exhaustively-sourced books serve as a stark warning of how quickly public attitudes and power relationships can be changed by ruthless actors with a sophisticated, coordinated and well-thought-out agenda.
The articulation and systematic, relentless implementation over decades of such agendas have radically changed the U.S. social, political, economic and cultural landscape – for example – in the total dismantling of ‘anti-trust’ and pro-labor legislation. But that’s not all.
To reprise an old vaudeville quip, the American people have been taken to the cleaners several times and they still don’t know their pants are off.
Greed is Good – The Ascendancy of Ayn Rand, John Galt and Scrooge McDuck
Back in the last century, when the anti-New Deal, de-regulation rollback frenzy was gathering momentum, one of the co-authors did a stint working for a prominent econometric forecasting firm. Her boss had only one picture on the walls of his spartan office. It was a glossy framed color portrait of the Disney cartoon character Scrooge McDuck, which bore the bold caption, “Greed is Good!”
It was the defining emblem of a seismic reset in American ideology and its political economy, the ascendency of what commentator Marshall Berman termed in his 1981 book, All That Is Solid Melts Into Air, “the most violently destructive ruling class in history.”
Operation Rollback – A Counter-Evolution Timeline
Brilliant investigative journalist Jane Mayer’s 2016 book documented how two billionaire brothers, Charles and David Koch had invested more than a hundred million dollars in a “war against Obama.” Mayer went on to reveal how the Kochs and other wealthy right-wing groups were funneling huge quantities of “dark money,” – untraceable by law, thanks to the Citizens United ruling – into political candidates and organizations whose collective agenda was to destroy unions, disenfranchise millions of voters, deregulate corporations, refocus taxes from the rich to the rest of us, and block any significant actions to address human-caused climate disruption.
The agenda included training intellectuals for a “battle of ideas” and training a cadre of professional political operatives to staff a growing stealth network of think tanks and “astro-turf” grassroots front-groups, funded by the Kochs and their large coalition of wealthy donors, to put the ideas into action. The list of such outfits included the Heritage Foundation, the Cato Institute, Citizens for a Sound Economy, Americans for Prosperity, FreedomWorks, the Club for Growth, the State Policy Network, the Competitive Enterprise Institute, the Tax Foundation, the Leadership Institute and the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC).
The ideology driving this growing radical movement could be partly traced to such pro-market thinkers as Adam Smith, Milton Friedman, Ayn Rand and Friedrich Hayek. But there was a missing piece of the ideological puzzle.
Historian Nancy MacLean’s 2017 publication filled in the missing link. She traced it to the work of an intentionally obscure, but hugely influential, self-styled ‘economist’ – and eventual Nobel Laureate – at the University of Virginia named James McGill Buchanan. Back in 1956, in response to the Supreme Court’s Brown v. Board of Education ruling aimed at school desegregation issued the previous year, Buchanan began to develop his seminal radical agenda that proved foundational for subsequent sweeping developments that have now transformed the U.S. system.
Protecting Capitalism Against Democracy
In 1962, by then ensconced in his own Dupont-funded Center for the Study of Public Choice (CSPC) at Virginia Tech, Buchanan and his co-author Gordon Tullock published The Calculus of Consent – Logical Foundations of Constitutional Democracy. Despite its intentionally misleading title, the book laid out the principles of what they called “public choice theory,” and was basically a strategy for protecting capitalism against democracy.
Then in 1970 the New York Times published University of Chicago economist Milton Friedman’s Friedman Doctrine stating that a corporation’s “greatest responsibility lies in the satisfaction of the shareholders,” which should supersede all other social, moral and environmental values. It established the “stockholder value,” “Greed is Good” ethos which has dominated business practice ever since.
Countering the ‘Progressive Threat’
In 1971, the corporate attorney – and soon to be a Nixon-appointed Supreme Court Justice – Lewis Powell built on Public Choice Theory and the Friedman Doctrine to pen his infamous Memo to the U.S. Chamber of Congress entitled “Attack on American Free Enterprise System.” Powell warned that traitors like Ralph Nader and Yale Professor Charles Reich in his then widely popular book The Greening of America, were mounting a “frontal assault on the free enterprise system.” The 34-page “confidential” strategy memo – soon leaked to a wide and appreciative business audience – laid out a detailed plan by which capitalists and the rich could use their wealth to assert control over “threatening” progressive ideas in in law, media, education and public policy. Powell’s plan has been assiduously and successfully implemented in a dedicated long-game ever since.
Capturing the Courts
The Federalist Society for Law and Public Policy Studies – Federalist Society for short – was founded a decade later in 1982 as part of that long-game. Michael Horowitz, who wrote another seminal memo laying out the Society’s strategy, told a reporter at the time, “Twenty years from now we will see our federal justices coming from the Federalist Society.” Today Brett Kavanaugh, Neil Gorsuch and Amy Barrett have born out the accuracy of his prediction. Andersen points out that “At the level just below the Supreme Court, the 179 federal appeals court judges all over the country, almost 30 percent have been appointed since 2017, and more than 80 percent of those Trump appointees are Federalist alumni or members.”
As early as 2010 the Federalist Society’s long-game strategy had already begun to pay back big time. It had been helped along by the work of the James Madison Center, founded by Senator Mitch McConnell and funded by Betsy DeVos. As Anderson tells it, “…at the beginning of the year, the Supreme Court issued its Citizens United v. Federal Elections Commission decision , effectively prohibiting serious election finance laws and giving big business (and unions, as if) free rein to spend money on campaigns.. And in the fall…, Democrats lost their large majorities in both the Senate and house.”
Increasing Inequality
The Citizens United decision opened the floodgates of private and corporate money in U.S. politics and put another nail in the coffin of the already dwindling union movement. Nobel Prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz described it as “converting higher economic inequality into greater political inequality. Political inequality, in its turn, gives rise to more economic inequality.” Anderson comments, “It’s also the corruption of our system of government, ruining democracy.”
Weaponizeing Wealth
Then, not to be left out of the Great American Reset mix, are the think tanks and the educational institutions, other handy instruments in the weaponization of wealth.
Founded in 1973 by right-wing political strategists Paul Weyrich, Edwin Feulner, and beer billionaire Joseph Coors, the archetypal think tank is the Heritage Foundation, dedicated, according to it’s website, to advancing “the principles of free enterprise, limited government, individual freedom, [and] traditional American values.” In an annual ranking of influential think tanks by the University of Pennsylvania, the Heritage Foundation is rated as the eighth most influential on earth and the second in the U.S.. Not far behind in the ranking are the Mercatus Center and the Manhattan Institute, both founded and funded by the now notorious petro-billionaires the Koch Brothers.
The Brothers Koch are other key players in this Great American Reset that has been perpetrated since the 1970s – largely by conscious stealth, far out of the public view, both by the Kochs and what Andersen calls, “their new confederacy of right wing billionaire political donors, the active core of whom had made their fortunes in fossil fuels and finance.” Organized by the Kochs since the early 2000s in biannual gatherings at posh venues, this “confederacy” has established a right-wing organization called the Donors’ Trust, which has “enabled donors to remain anonymous and keep their fingerprints off their $1.1 billion in contributions (so far) to hundreds of groups dedicated to ‘advancing liberty.’”
Buchanan eventually moved his Center for the Study of Public Choice (CSPC)
to Virginia’s public George Mason University. There, in 1979 the Kochs helped establish the Antonin Scalia Law School. Then the Koch operation, as Andersen puts it, “leveled-up and went national.” He reports, “It endows and otherwise subsidizes libertarian economic and legal programs and classes and one-off conferences and a thousand professors at more than three hundred public and private colleges and universities, including every member of the Ivy League and MIT, NYU, Wesleyan, Amherst, Wellesley, Georgetown, Northwestern, Stanford, and most of the University of California system” since 2017 to the tune of $100 million a year. That gives the network dubbed by the International Forum on Globalization “the Kochtopus” enormous influence over the U.S. academic landscape.
Even this partial list would be misleadingly incomplete without including Big Oil’s manufactured doubt offensive on consensus-based climate change science. Even as Al Gore’s 2006 documentary An Inconvenient Truth was winning an Oscar reports Andersen, “the oil and coal billionaires Charles and David Koch, together with Exxon-Mobil and more than a hundred right-wing foundations, were funneling hundreds of millions a year to organizations working against the mitigation of global warming. Before long, full-on climate change denialism was Republican orthodoxy.”
Onward, Back to the Bad Ol’ Robber Baron Days of Yore!
From 1970 on, as these three books show, the radical right worked assiduously to reset the U.S. system in its favor, rollback progressive reforms and redeem the formerly pejorative term ‘greed.’ Oliver Stone captured the spirit of that era in the speech he gave the anti-hero Michael Douglas hostile take-over, leveraged-buy-out artist, character Gordon Gekko in his 1987 classic feature, Wall Street.
“I am not a destroyer of companies. I am a liberator of them. The point is, ladies and gentlemen, that greed – for lack of a better word – is good. Greed is right. Greed works. Greed clarifies, cuts through, and captures the essence of the evolutionary spirit…, and greed – you mark my words – will …save…that malfunctioning corporation called the USA!”
This was the era that saw the apogee in popularity of the since-discredited ‘hooray-for-me-and-the-hell-with everyone-else,’ ‘objectivist’ cult ideology first articulated by Ayn Rand. Speaking through her archetypal capitalist character John Galt in her influential 1957 novel Atlas Shrugged, Rand put it like this: “I swear-by my life and my love of it – that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine.”
That ideology was embodied by Rand’s dedicated, inner-circle acolyte Alan Greenspan. He was first appointed (with Rand at his side) in 1974 by President Ford as Chairman of the U.S. Council of Economic Advisors, and then by President Ronald Reagan in August 1987, as Chairman of the Federal Reserve. Greenspan’s application of Rand’s philosophy during his long tenure demonstrably led to the 2008 American economic meltdown and tax-payer-funded corporate bail-out. Rand had died in 1982 and so didn’t live to see her crackpot notions crash the U.S. economy.
This is Greenspan being questioned by Congressman Henry Waxman, Chair of the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Oversight and Government Reform hearing in October, 2008 about his decision to not regulate newly invented, arcane ‘credit instruments’ like credit default swaps and collateralized debt obligations:
Waxman: “You have been a staunch advocate for letting markets regulate themselves. My question is simple: Were you wrong?”
Greenspan: “I made a mistake in presuming that the self-interest of organizations, specifically banks and others, was such that they were best capable of protecting their own shareholders and the equity.”
As Reuters reported at the time, “When asked by Waxman if his ideology pushed him to make bad decisions, Greenspan said he found a ‘flaw’ in his governing ideology that has led him to reexamine his thinking.” Flaw, indeed.
So much for the views of Ayn Rand, John Galt, Gordon Gekko and Scrooge McDuck. Greed on the part of the few had conclusively been proven in practice to be decidedly not good for the common good.
America’s Decades of De-Evolution
Anderson’s book shows how, as the book jacket blurb puts it, “The clock was turned back on a century of economic progress, making greed good, workers powerless and the market all-powerful…lifting up an oligarchy that served only its own interests, and leaving the huge majority of Americans with dwindling economic prospects and hope.”
He admits avoiding use of the term ‘capitalist class.’ As he goes on to explain, “I’ve never had any hesitation using the terms working class or middle class, of course, but as an educated American liberal coming of age in the 1970’s, I learned it was simple-minded and vulgar-Marxist to speak of the economic overlords and the very rich as a class or even as capitalists. And while I still resist defaulting to the conspiracist explanations, pieces of the story do look and swim and walk and quack an awful lot like ducks – that is, resemble a well-executed conspiracy, not especially secret, by the leaders of the capitalist class, at the expense of everyone else.”
He bullet points the essential right wing corporate orthodox catechism thusly:
We part company with Andersen’s analysis when he concludes his book by attempting to show how these tenants of belief produced the Trump Administration’s failed response to the Covid crisis without probing beneath the Big Pharma-dominated media miasma.
But, that aside, just the sweeping historical changes Dark Money, Democracy in Chains and Evil Geniuses conclusively document – and which the co-authors have personally witnessed and lived through – may well seem in retrospect like a proverbial ‘walk in the park’ compared to the global Great Covid Reset now being attempted by a new transnational cadre of evil geniuses.
What the U.S. billionaire class has done in America, the transnational capitalist class now aspires to accomplish at the world-system level.
In the next installment of this series we do a deep dive into that proposed Great Reset agenda and its potential planetary impacts. Stay tuned.
James Heddle and Mary Beth Brangan co-direct EON, the Ecological Options Network. EON is producing the forthcoming feature-length documentary SHUTDOWN LEGACY on the challenges of long-term radioactive waste management.